Going to The Show
Going to The Show
An ongoing series of my love of cats and showing cats
An ongoing series of my love of cats and showing cats

Our Latest Blog Entry
Our Latest Blog Entry
October 11, 2019
As an exhibitor and owner of show cats, I like to communicate with exhibitors of all different breeds including household pets, shelter kitties and rescues. I especially like to talk with Persian Breeders.
The Persian is the first pedigreed breed I have ever worked with, however, I started showing my household pet, Daisy (non pedigree cat) in 2013. With a lot of effort from my early mentors Christian and Carla of The International Cat Association of The Northeast. (TICANE), I was able to learn everything from; how to enter a show, grooming before a show, set up, scoring, traveling with, and staying in hotels with felines. Albeit it took me a few shows to learn basics and a few years to really catch onto the nuances.
Daisy received a Regional award in TICA that year, but her show career was short being that it started when she was 16 years of age and she decided she didn't want to show anymore. On august 27, 2015 I had to say good bye to my friend of so many years. She saw me through my human babies toddler years to the dating years. She never could be replaced and never was.
My daughters cat Sheba, was more of a mouser than a show cat but,still able to get Masters title in TICA. She was only a year younger than Daisy, and didn't last much longer after Daisy's passing. My daughter was heart broken. This was her best friend from the time she could walk. What was worse my husband and I were away when my daughter had to take her to the vet, so she was by herself. Around Christmas time I decided to take her to the shelter to see the kittens. She found a cutie and named her Indigo. Again, not a cat that one would show, but fits my daughter perfectly.
There was a new kitten in the house, but she wasn't mine. It ached my heart enough to go back to the shelter just "to look". There she was. My Bella. Soon to be my Bella Dragon. Best yet she is cuddly and striped and absolutely loves to show! A year and a half later she became TICANEs Best Household pet and TICAs 18th Best Household Pet Internationally.
In 2018, I was at a TICANE members meeting and the regional director that year, Donna Madison, asked the question (not verbatim) "How can we encourage people to start showing cats and maybe household pet exhibitors to branch out to pedigree cats?" That same day I met Andrea of Pearly Pond Persians. I saw a picture of not only my future Persian, but truly my future.
February 19, 2018. I met my "Starlord" (7 months old) show/registered name (Pearly Pond Friend of The Devil) Her favorite Grateful Dead song. I didn't want to buy a cat I couldn't take care of, so she let me give him a bath with her instructions. She also showed me one of the most important part of Persian grooming, blow drying the coat! "Its not dry, unless it Persian Dry!"
A few weeks later, I was showing my new Persian cat in his first kitten class in TICA. Scoring was a bit different going from household pets to pedigree kittens/cats but, not too difficult. I learned Persian cats are allowed to have their faces trimmed to maximize the look of roundness of their head. Everything about a Persians head should be round from his head to his eyes. Exhibitor/breeder Brigitte of Anouchka Cattery from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, showed me this art form on my new baby. Watching her prep. one of her cats for the show ring is like watching an artist create.
Pearly Ponds Friend of the Devils' first and last kitten show resulted in 4 finals. In order, he received a 6th, 6th, 6th, and thank God a 5th! We moved on together to the Champion cat class (meant for cats 8 months old and older).
A young male Persian morphs so much until fully grown. (some have said it takes up to 3 years before they fully mature). Some shows he made a final or two. October 2018, at the age of one year and 3 months, with his adult proportions, he made 7 finals in one show. I was ecstatic and totally hooked. With the encouragement/training from Carrie, a breeder/groomer friend, I learned and are still learning the face trim and grooming techniques.
In April of 2018 Andrea asked me to help a friend at her first show in Boston. Tracy and Lucy (Persian alter/premier ) Tracy is the human and Lucy is the cat. I took me 6 months after meeting them to remember which was which. As adults we don't usually make good friends after school years. I can say truly that Tracy is one of my best friends.
May 2018, I branched out to The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA). Somewhat different scoring system. Many more Persians to compete against than TICA at the time. Starlord became a Champion in CFA and has been Grand Pointed and now we are showing to achieve his Grand title.
Exactly a year after starting to show in TICA he received his Supreme Grand Champion Title in TICA. We were at the very show he started at as a kitten! (Shows tend to repeat year after year in the same place). At this years Regional Awards ceremony for the 2018-2019 season he was the 18th Best Cat and 11th Best Longhair Cat Regionally, And Best Red White Persian Internationally.
A year ago, September 2018, I branched out again to the Cat Fanciers Federation. Self proclaimed "The Friendly Cat Organization" and they are friendly. A very nice group of cat show people. Starlord did very well for himself and made 2nd Best cat Nationally and Best Persian Nationally, last season and is working on his Master Grand Champion title.
Andie, Carrie, Tracy, Pat, Christian, Carla, Catherine "MOM", Brigitte, Debbie, Gisele, Brenda, Sylvia,Vicky, Terry, Ken, Charmayne, Claudette, Susan, Stephanie,Tania, Kara, Melissa, Pamela :'( . all of my coworkers at UMass who don't like cats and the some that do, My girls, Kyra and Robyn {and Robyn's cat Cleopatra - also a HHP with a Quadruple Grand Master title} who allowed me to drag them off to as far as Maine and Pennsylvania, my Mom, Lillian, also one of my captives I got to travel to shows, I can't forget Lady Saphira My TICA HHP Quadruple Grand Master that reminds me that all cats are beautiful, but not all want to show, I'd like to thank God, and I'm sure I am not naming someone important, Sorry. Thank you all for your support, advice, tolerance, and friendship.